Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Death and Bermuda

Hey Guys,

I know it has been a while and for that I must apologize. Before I get started, I would like to wish you all a "Happy New Year". All the best for the New Year to you and yours!!

So much has happened since the last time I blogged. This may have contributed somewhat to my prolonged absence, but I am back once more and ready to take charge. A family member of mine departed this life prior to the holidays. I was filled with so much grief, I found myself questioning everything about life. As the days strolled by however, I had come to the realization that death was inevitable and had no respect of person. It is up to those left in mourning to find a good coping mechanism. I however, can’t say that I have done so as yet. Each day is still a fight – I still have moments in which I find myself crying uncontrollably, and don’t even get me started on the dreams and the bad thoughts that just won't seem to go away. My desire is that one day I will get to a point where I can think of the person, and have fond memories of their time here on earth without tears.

Separate and apart from wishing you all well for the New Year, today I wanted to share with you my photo journal from Bermuda. I was very blessed to be able to travel to Bermuda just a month and a half after the above mentioned tragedy. Surprisingly, I had a grand time despite all that was going on in my life at that specific point in time.

Bermuda here I come :)
Spending money for my coffee obsession
Exchanging my $50 for a prettier one
Having a Gingerbread Latte
Seafood Thermidor 

First visit to a Louis Vuitton store
Food from Port O Call
Shrimp tempura, Sliders and Calamari
Heading to the Digicel Christmas Party
Feeling cute at the table
Dinner Menu
Beef  Tenderlion Carpaccio Style
Pumpkin Soup
Pineapple glazed ham
Having brunch at Pickled Onion
French Toast
Hearty Meat Pizza

Indonesian Spring Rolls from La Trattoria
Pastries at Miles Market 
Fairmont Hamilton Princess for afternoon tea

Out at Harborfront Restaurant for sushi

Quick pic while walking to Astwood Park
Colorful houses in Bermuda
Astwood Park

Waiting for the bus
Bus ticket
Off to watch a UFC fight

Pompano Beach Club

Heading back to Orlando
Official Digicel Bermuda Party Pics

At this point I would like to take the time out to say a big “Thank You”, to my bestie Nickisha Chin for being the most amazing hostess ever!!! 

Please don’t forget to comment and/or click that like button. Until next time guys, thanks for reading!!


1 comment

  1. very nice shots and super nice food pics! looks like you guys had a blast!
    would you like to follow each other on bloglovin'?


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